
Dues and donations are used to manage the research center, conferences and workshops, and for resources.

Anyone interested in genealogy, knowing their ancestors or the history of other families can make a donation.

In addition, the donor can request a tax receipt which will allow him to benefit from a tax reduction.

We thank you for your support. Thanks to your donation, we will be able to continue working to provide you with a better genealogy research center.

Click the following link to download the form to give:

Make a donation


If you have a book or document containing information that you find useful for genealogical research, please send us the bibliographic information of the material using the following form:

Make a donation

In order to avoid filling our limited space with books that are repeated or not of great research value, we will review your offer and notify you of our decision shortly.

Thank you for your understanding. We do this to optimize our space and reduce the work for our volunteers.

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